Radio Experts


Radio Experts are a specialist radio advertising, audio and podcasting agency based in London. They represent clients across the country creating and producing exceptional quality radio advertising or podcast advertising.

Initially we were asked to work on a brand presentation template for radio experts so that they could ensure brand consistency for all of their staff & client presentations. After completing a 30 page master PowerPoint template it became clear that the radio experts brand needed refreshing in order to align them to the high tech, modern brands that they working with across the podcast & radio advertising industry.

We were asked to design a brand that kept the distinctive logo but modernised the supporting imagery. We designed a dynamic light streak that looked modern and dynamic but also allowed a degree of flexibility to the brand where imagery could be used behind the light streak to represent different services that they could provide.

After developing the new brand & implementing it into the radio experts master PowerPoint template we were asked to design and build a brand new website to represent this new modern look to the agency.

Our design team designed a WordPress website that was focussed on showcasing the exceptional work that radio experts produce as well as allowing them to create thought leadership articles to further enhance their reputation within the industry.

The website launched successfully to ensure that they have consistent branding across every touch point of the business.

To get in touch with our team please click here: